Technology for
clean drinking water

Safe Drinking Water is the cornerstone of public health

Climate change and extreme weather is challenging the water supply in most countries including Norway. Leachate and agricultural run-off is increasing humic acid and the organic content in surface water sources.

Sterner designs and constructs turn key solutions for drinking water treatment plants. With over 30 years experience Sterner has developed a robust and reliable solution in the AquaZone process. No external chemicals and very low emissions AquaZone ensures safe and hygienic drinking water.

Sterner also supplies high quality components including UV systems, filtration, pumps etc.


Our clients are our best proof of professionalism, so feel free to have a look at the plants we have delivered and what our costumers think of us. See the references here.

Disinfection and filtration

For decades, Sterner has supplied complete solutions for disinfection and filtration of water to municipalities, the aquaculture industry and food industry.

Sterner supplies UV of all types for water disinfection. Our project engineers will ensure the correct dimensioning of the correct approved UV system for your water treatment process. All UV systems are carefully tested and proven to deliver the correct dose. Complying to norms and standards, they are certified in accordance with both national and international legislation for drinking water. We also supply original components and spares, ensuring system function within current standards at all times.

Our filter solutions can be adapted for most applications including self flushing pressure filters, pressure-free drum filters or manual filtration. Contact us for a filter proposal.


Chemical free colour removal and disinfection

The AquaZone process provides safe and clean fresh tasting water. The process consists of colour removal and a two disinfection stages.
This process is chemical free and has very low emissions. Contact us for further information about the AquaZone process.


Our store of spare parts and components is fully quipped All components are carefully selected to hold high quality. Spare parts and key components for water treatment are available in our online store

Quick assistance and response

Sterner has offices from Lofoten in the North to Porsgrunn in the South of Norway. Our network of highly trained staff ensure quick response and immediate attention regardless of a clients location.

With an agile service force we are ready to mobilise for our clients. Sterner offers regular service contracts ensuring continuous and optimal system function. Our service technicians are highly qualified and will embrace the challenges presented to them.

A team of engineers with passion for water

Our team of engineers consists of people who are passionate about making clean water. We are engaged in water treatment solutions in several markets, and we continually develop our processes. Our engineers work closely with our customers to identify the best solution for the purpose. We have put clean water technology at the top of the agenda, as we know well that safe water is the cornerstone of public health.